Monthly Archives: September 2010

Goblins Get Groove.

A hundred gruesome goblins came grooving down the hill,
their teeth were long and pointy, their appearance ugly still
but their fingers snapped and tapped and clapped,
their stinky feet on the hard stone slapped
and a goofy grin in their faces cracked
as their leader started his beat box act

The Dwarves at first were most nonplussed
as with their axes and armour they fussed,
but soon the rhythm got in to their feet
and they swayed and stamped to the goblin beat

The elves can never resist a song
so within a few minutes they all sang along,
harmony and counterpoint filled the air
soothing the hearts of the warriors there
washing away all the trouble and care
as the goblins danced on the rocky stair

A troll added scat bass that boomed round the vale,
A farmer cracked open a barrel of ale,
a wizard made orbs of light spin through the air
and dryads made flowers sprout in their hair

War was forgotten as they all gathered round
and the weapons were heaped in a great big mound,
armour was stripped off and thrown on the ground
while every race got down and moved to the sound
of the infectious groove that the goblins had found

Later that evening they all made a pact
to treat each other with kindness and tact
and to help, and to succour if anyone lacked.
They signed it in blood as a legal act
and on the bottom of that solemn tract
so all would remember, a note was tacked
it reads: “Goblins are groovy and that’s a fact!”

Copyright Cliff Eastabrook 2010


Filed under Goblins, Poetry